Imagen de Marina

Hi! I'm Marina Aísa,
a fronten


About me

I’m a frontend engineer with a product design background working remotely at Apple in Cupertino, CA while based in Barcelona, Spain. I studied media engineering in Helsinki and Hong Kong, worked in big corporations and innovative European startups and traveled extensively in Europe, Asia and North America. I'm specialized in the full interaction that users have with the web platform, from its design to its development, as well as usability, performance and accessibility. I’m also interested in feminism and LGBTQ+ rights. My surname is Aragonese, as Zaragoza (Spain) where I was born 25 years ago with my two triplet brothers.

Public speaking

  • Barcelona, ESP
    28 Oct 2020

    Working as a developer contractor — In Progress Podcast

    In this podcast episode I spoke about my journey challenges after moving from being an developer employee to a contractor.

  • Barcelona, ESP
    13 November 2019

    Different serverless recipes for the web — Modern Web Event 2019

    In this talk I spoke about how you can make static web pages that don't need a server. What type of website to use depending on your needs, its properties and functionalities. Talk conducted in Spanish.

  • Alicante, ESP
    31 May 2019

    Building a multilingual blog using Vue.js, Nuxt and Markdown — VueDay 2019

    In this talk I spoke about how to create a multilingual serverless blog with Nuxt, the reason why I chose this Vue's framework, differences between building a webapp blog and a static one, performance, and some mistakes along the way using wrongly Vuex.

  • Disseny Hub, Barcelona, ESP
    21 March 2019

    Debate: "Design Beyond Technology" — ADI-FAD

    I was invited by the Barcelona Industrial Design Association (ADI-FAD) to this debate on the relationship between design and technology in our industries.

  • UC3M, Madrid, ESP
    14 March 2019

    "UX Engineer: mixed engineers between design and frontend" — T3chfest 2019

    With this talk my objective was to visualize this professional position for students and professionals who don't know the profile of UX Engineer despite knowing the disadvantages of the strong separation between design and development. Talk conducted in Spanish.

  • Barcelona, ESP
    2 December 2017

    Web development Workshop: "Build your personal website or portfolio!" — Women Who Code Barcelona

    With this workshop my goal was to teach how to build a personal website or portfolio for women with a static generator like Middleman.

Work Experience

  • Barcelona, ESP & Cupertino, CA
    Mar’20 - now

    Frontend Engineer — Apple

    I'm working at Apple as a frontend engineer. I joined as a full-time contractor in March 2020 and I was hired as full-time employee in February 2021. My team is based in Cupertino, CA and I work remotely from Barcelona, Spain. At the moment I'm learning #Testing #DeepJSKnowledge

  • Barcelona, ESP & Yorktown, NY
    Oct’19 - Mar’20

    UX Engineer (Contractor) — IBM

    I worked on improving the IBM Quantum Computing's websites from design to development. My team was based in Yorktown, NY and I worked remotely from Barcelona, Spain. Here is where I learnt: #CarbonDesignSystem, #WorkAsContractor, #QuantumComputing

  • Barcelona, ESP
    Oct’17 - Sep’19

    UX Engineer — Holaluz

    Mix of UX/UI Designer and Frontend Developer at Holaluz, a 100% renewable and online energy company in Spain. Here is where I learnt: #BuildingEndToEndDesignSystems #VueJS #Nuxt #WebAccessibility

  • Barcelona, ESP
    Feb’17 - Oct’17

    VR / Mobile Product Designer — The Dream VR

    The Dream VR is the first Virtual Reality and 360º TV in the world. Here is where I learnt: #VR #VRDesign #UnityGraphics #A-Frame #VRPrototyping

  • Barcelona, ESP & Brussels, BEL
    Jun’16 - Feb’17

    UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer — MarsBased

    MarsBased is a development consultancy from Barcelona offering end‑to‑end web & mobile apps. Here is where I learnt: #SCSS #Middleman #BEM #Ionic #git #SASS #AtomicDesign #RemoteWork #QualityOfCode

  • Helsinki, FIN
    Jan´16 - Jun´16

    UI/UX Designer & Frontend Developer — Midealab

    Midealab is a venture builder company with studios in Helsinki, Tallin and Lviv. Here is where I learnt: #HTML #CSS #ProductDesign

  • Helsinki, FIN
    May’14 - Oct’14

    Product Design Intern — Microsoft

    I joined the Microsoft’s UX and Interaction design team at Nokia House after being hired by Nokia. Here is where I learnt: #UXdesign #ProductDesign #Corporate

  • Helsinki, FIN
    Dic’13 - Dic’15

    UI/UX Designer — FastMonkeys

    FastMonkeys is a python development company offering web & mobile apps. Here is where I learnt: #UI/UXdesign #HowToStudyandWorkWhileYouAreAbroad


  • Everywhere
    - Always

    Self-learner — From each job, class, co-worker, book, article, meet-up or life experience

    This is how I learnt the 80% of what I know now and how I improve it. At the moment I'm learning #VueJS #Performance #DesignSystems

  • Hong Kong, HK
    Aug’15 - Jan’16

    Exchange student for one semester at one of the top universities in Asia. Here is where I learnt: #ProductDesign #Innovation #EngineeringSubjects #SurviveInHongKongAndAsia #CulturalDiversity

  • Helsinki, FIN
    Aug’13 - Dec’16

    Media Engineering, Bachelor Degree — Helsinki Metropolia University

    I studied my university degree in the largest and the most international University of Applied Sciences in Finland. Here is where I learnt: #EngineeringSubjects #BasicsOfProgramming #StudyAndLiveAbroad #CulturalDiversity #SurviveFinnishWinters #GrowingAsAPerson


If you want to know what other amazing professionals that I admire and I have worked with think about me , check my Linkedin